Banker's Clothing on stealth overdraft fees and predatory
practices in mainstream banking
Dirty Deeds on Beshear's plan for "In God We Trust" plates
Want the Airwaves Back on Insight Communications
CEO Perpetuates Friendly Image more about Insight's deceptive advertising
Much is Your Vote Worth to a Candidate? on the cost of campaigns
and the sources of money
Are the Insurgents and What Do They Want? on guerilla fighters in Iraq
Money to Rebuild New Orleans is in Iraq a chart comparing
26 different huge amounts of money
Hunger, Housing and Health Care Solutions Are in Iraq on
what else the cost of the war could have bought
Letters to Editors
Alternate Reality Check on Coal Mining to the Courier-Journal
Lobbying is a Wall Between Voters and Lawmakers to the Courier-Journal
Violence As Patriotism? to LEO Weekly
"There are some countries in the world with fewer resources and more challenges than Kentucky, where they manage to take better care of themselves and each other. That's the least of what we should be trying to do here."