I shouldn't
have to stand
up and say anything on this page. The United States is the richest
country on earth, and yet I see homeless and hungry people in
my Louisville neighborhood almost every day.
Our part-time legislature is populated with assorted attorneys and executives of private companies, many of whom have ridden into office with the help of big-money contributions from corporate interests.
Kentucky would have the greatest schools in the world if our students and teachers could afford the same teams of lobbyists who funnel our tax dollars into corporate subsidies.
Poverty would be a thing of the past if coal mining communities had the same political clout as the companies that destroy their landscapes and consume their workers.
Kentuckians would be infinitely healthier and would never again worry about the threat of medical bills turning into bankruptcy if campaign contributions from individuals were able to rival those of insurance and pharmaceutical corporations.
The simple fact is that voters just cannot compete on the same scale as these powerful interests. Corporations and special interests have our system on lock-down from virtually every angle. The result is the Kentucky government we know all too well.
They're too busy giving the coal companies a pass for the 100 miners who have lost their lives in the past ten years to bother treating this industry like the dirty polluter and backbreaking machine it is. They're too busy arguing about the Ten Commandments or putting God's name on our license plates to truly make him proud of something that could actually help those in need. They're too busy squabbling over casinos and same-sex marriage to realize we're losing all our teachers to the thirty-three other states that offer them a better living.
Our legislature carries on as if they're hobbyists around a model railroad set. Campaigning with corporate money and swarmed by lobbyists once in office, the individual voters have almost given up hope of ever being heard from. But it doesn't have to be this way.
An old friend of mine once said, "I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in." That's exactly how I feel. And I believe it's exactly how thousands of Kentuckians feel.
I hope you'll join me in this important effort to show Frankfort that a candidate can rise from among ordinary people and be elected without the help of corporate backers. We can have our true voice heard in the Kentucky Senate whether they like it or not. We've lost way too much already to be afraid we have something to lose by taking a chance now.
Thank you so much,

Scott Ritcher

should treat health
care with the same level of shared obligation as the fire department,
libraries, and police, by creating a statewide
health care system that covers every Kentuckian free of charge
and is included in our taxes.
The program should provide a basic level of coverage as a safety net for all residents to ensure that medical conditions can no longer result in financial problems.
Institute a
minimum period of Kentucky residency before services are available
to individuals, to ensure that people moving to the state for
the health care program have paid into the system for several
Allow each
patient to pick their own doctor and the freedom to see any
doctor as conditions arise.
More than a
quarter of health care costs now go into marketing, executive
salaries, paperwork, profit, and other non-medical costs. These
costs can be greatly reduced if Kentucky negotiates bulk prices
for pharmaceuticals and medical services with providers on a
wholesale, statewide scale as a single customer.
promote Kentucky's health care system as
a competitive edge for businesses and a standard of living for
residents that no other state could match. Moving the burden of basic health care costs off the shoulders of business owners will allow them to invest in expansions and improvements, increase wages for workers, and hire more employees.
Ensure that
existing services and commercial insurance billing remain available
at competitive rates for non-residents visiting Kentucky. Commercially available insurance should still be available to those who wish to augment their state coverage. Employers may choose to continue offering private insurance as an incentive for employees.
In the event
that the
federal government creates a national health care system, we
could expand Kentucky's program to offer more services, or transition
it to a new benefit such as drastically discounted college education
for Kentuckians or free public transportation.
lobbying must be completely eliminated. Currently, lobbyists in Frankfort outnumber members of our legislature by 5 to 1. In Washington, it's 54 to 1. This system that tolerates the influence of big money in our public affairs must be made a thing of the past.
All citizens
should still be free to individually solicit their representatives and officials,
however, no one should ever be paid for performing this service,
nor compensated in any way, directly or indirectly, including gifts,
trips, or implications of future compensation, employment, or benefits.
penalties should be instituted for anyone who breaks or bends these
laws. Elected officials
must be directly accountable to the voters with no middlemen,
no outside forces, and no corporate influences.
revise the way elections are conducted. Develop, pilot-test,
and deploy a new voting system that meets the following criteria:
voters to vote from wherever they are on Election Day, no longer
requiring them to travel to their home district; either make it
possible for voters to go to the nearest polling place, or vote
by telephone or computer.
new system must be easy to use, more accurate than the current
system, and provide proof to the voter that their vote was cast
and counted accurately.
longer require pre-registration for write-in candidates and ensure
that the system efficiently tabulates write-in votes.
Day should be expanded to a period of several days – one
of which should be a Saturday, Sunday or holiday – to allow
for maximum convenience and increased participation.
media must be prohibited from reporting exit polls at any time
while voting is still being conducted.
Create voter-initiated
ballot referendums. Voters must be able to propose legislation
and get it on the ballot for a public vote by collecting a reasonable
number of signatures, without requiring the participation of the legislature.
Begin keeping
records for the party affiliation of voters who aren't Democrats
or Republicans. Kentucky currently tabulates these voters' parties
as "other" which prevents any minor party from accurately
estimating its voter base in the state.
Split Kentucky's
presidential electoral votes proportionally to the state's popular
vote. Encourage the Federal government to replace the Electoral
College with a direct popular vote for president.
clean, publicly funded campaigns - like those in Arizona
and Maine - which eliminate the influence of big-money interests
and allow less affluent people to seek office. Require publicly-funded candidates to collect signatures
in their district in
order to qualify for funds and ballot access.
Provide an opt-out
system for candidates who wish to continue using traditional
fundraising methods, but match those funds publicly for opposing
Require all candidates
seeking office to raise funds only from donors within the district
or area they are campaigning to represent. Currently, it is legal for huge corporate PACs and other entities from anywhere in the country to use their money to influence local elections in Kentucky. No one outside Kentucky or any particular district should have any ability to sway the outcome of our local elections. Alternatively, any out-of-district contributors could be required to donate an identical amount to the opposing candidates or to a fund for Kentucky's schools.
Remove the barriers
that make it difficult for independent and third-party candidates
to get on the ballot. Ballot access requirements should be identical (and simple) for all candidates and organizations, regardless of their political affiliation. The ability to run for public office is a basic American right.
the state income tax system with a simple sales tax that eliminates
the need for individuals to file tax returns. An expanded
sales tax instead of income tax ensures that everyone is taxed
at the same rate.
For most Kentuckians, the sales tax rate would be much
lower than what they are currently paying in income taxes, and it
would mean that no money would be deducted by the state from payroll
Everyone eventually spends
everything they earn, so all income is taxed more accurately than
through income taxes and there is no way to fudge the numbers and no margin of error for mathematical miscalculations.
Because food, energy, and other necessities are sold at a fixed cost to everyone regardless of income, the new tax system must be created in a way that exempts Kentuckians who earn less than a designated minimum level from paying any state taxes. Alternatively, like the system in Rhode Island, necessities could be exempted from being taxed; items such as unprepared food, clothing, and home energy.
Professionals in the tax preparation business would
receive free training so they could make the transition to providing
services for retail establishments and tax rebate services for individuals.
posted retail prices should include all applicable taxes to eliminate
the need for on-the-fly calculations while shopping.
tax rebate applications could be filed in place of deductions,
but only if the taxpayer wants to take the time to submit them.
Require that any tax increases be approved by the
people or a 3/4 majority of the legislature.
teaching a lucrative and comfortable career choice in
Kentucky in order to attract serious teachers from across the
currently ranks 34th nationally in teachers' pay, 16th in student-teacher
ratio, and 30th in what we spend per student. Even if we were
in the top ten in all of those categories, our schools would still lag behind much of the industrialized world. Kentucky needs to commit itself to the goal of being recognized for having some of the best schools in the nation. We should settle for nothing less.
the school year across the entire 12-month calendar, keeping the
same number of school days but eliminating the three-month downtime
in the summer.
children in school a year earlier to advance their exposure to different,
dynamic, stimulating environments. Children living in energizing
environments during their earliest years have a future learning
advantage over children who have lived in non-stimulating environments,
even if they are offered the same education for the rest
of their lives. A child's capacity for learning ultimately determines
what he or she will be capable of as an adult.
Quality public education influences everything from productivity levels to crime rates. I believe education is the single most important factor in determining the quality of our society as a whole. It is imperative that we do everything we can to provide Kentucky's teachers and students with the tools the need to excel, regardless of the cost. Investing more money and resources in schools today will save us vastly greater amounts of money and resources in the future.
the transition to renewable energy. I'd like to see
some of our hardworking coal miners be able to make the transition
out of the mines and into fresh air, working on safer, cleaner,
renewable energy systems like solar and wind. There's only so
much coal in the ground in Kentucky, and there's only so long
people will continue to tolerate the pollution and destruction that come from
collecting and burning it.
The younger generations will be increasingly more
environmentally conscious. We need to think into the future,
so there's no downtime or loss of jobs in Kentucky as America
makes the transitions to cleaner, renewable fuels. Kentucky
needs to be ahead of the curve on producing new forms of energy
so we can continue to be a valuable provider while retaining the related
jobs that accompany these industries.
Double, triple, or quadruple the coal severance tax. Currently, the corporations who destroy Kentucky's hillsides and communities to remove coal from beneath ground pay the state only 4.5% of the value of the coal. That's practically nothing in exchange for what they're taking from Kentucky.
This money is supposed to go back into the communities it comes from, but little of it finds its way there. With this money, coal mining communities should be the most beautiful places in Kentucky. They should have the best schools, the safest streets, and anything else they could possibly need.
Kentucky is one of the top three places in the country to get coal, so it's not as if coal companies will abandon our state if we have a higher tax rate on coal production. This is where the coal is and in order to get it out of the ground you have to pay our rate.
We are giving these companies the right to come into our state and take our non-renewable resources out of the ground and leave. When the coal is gone so, too, will these employers be. If we have retained only 4.5% of the massive revenue this resource has generated and not invested it completely in our communities, infrastructure, and social programs, we have allowed ourselves to be played for fools.
a living wage. The minimum wage must be calculated by
a formula which insures that a person working 40-hours-a-week
at that rate can afford sufficiently reasonable housing, utilities,
transportation, food, and entertainment. Just like the salaries of our legislators, the minimum wage should
update automatically based on changes in the cost
of living.
companies accountable for their actions or inaction with relation
to the safety of their workers. This should apply to
every company, but I'm thinking of coal mining companies in particular.
So much electricity is generated from the backbreaking sweat
of our Kentucky miners. It sickens me that these companies are
able to go on earning gigantic profits after a miner gets hurt
or killed on the job. The penalties after such accidents should
be substantial enough to force coal producers take these events
seriously - seriously enough to prevent them. The company's bottom line should
feel the same pain as the miners' families. Over 100 miners died
in Kentucky between 1996 and 2005 - no other industry gets away with this, mining should be no different.
automobile insurance no-fault. Your insurance covers you
and your car. This reduces accident disputes, litigation, police
involvement, and the timeframe in which claims are settled.
Incorporate all highway and automobile infrastructure
costs into the price of gasoline.
Institute mandatory, aggressive
fuel efficiency minimums for new vehicles sold in Kentucky at rates higher than the federal levels.
Recognize that $2-a-gallon gasoline is never coming back and create a forward-looking plan for the transition away from individuals driving gasoline-powered internal combustion vehicles. Build substantial
investments in public transportation, including the exploration
of a plan for a publicly-funded connection of the
state's non-urban population centers.
Regulate the noise level and pollution emissions of motor vehicles. Provide assistance to low-income drivers who cannot afford to keep their vehicles up to standards.
Ethics and values
the highest ethical behavior for all levels of government in Kentucky.
Create time-out penalties that prohibit offenders from participating
in government for designated periods.
and homelessness must no longer be acceptable or tolerated in Kentucky.
We are
judged by how we treat the most vulnerable among us. Serious steps
must be taken to ensure that no Kentuckian ever again dies from
a lack of shelter, food, work, or medical care.
the celebration of Columbus Day. Replace it with a Native American & Pioneer
Heritage holiday that recognizes America's native cultures and
pioneers ranging from Red Cloud and Sacagawea to Daniel Boone and Neil Armstrong.
public votes on propositions to legalize, regulate, and significantly
tax casino gambling, marijuana products, or any other controversial issue which is legal elsewhere and could potentially create new jobs, economic growth, and revenues for state programs.
of Church and State
Kentucky's constitution and write separation of church and state
into the law. Religious groups cannot be involved in
government and government cannot be involved in religion.
and religious organizations that participate in public policy debate,
advocate political views, make use of the airwaves, or host political
functions must be taxed at the same rate as everyone else.
Prohibit the state from using "In God We Trust" or any other slogan which may be interpreted as an endorsement of any particular religion or belief. Mandate that if the state wishes to use belief-based slogans on official documents or products, it must also make alternate versions available, at no additional charge, bearing any slogan a citizen requests.
corporate welfare immediately. No more use of taxpayer
dollars as incentives, rebates, or bail-outs for corporations. If you can't successfully operate your own company, perhaps you should work for someone else. Taxpayer money cannot be used as a safety net for poorly-run capitalism.
Commonwealth must operate within its means and never borrow money.
Small surpluses must be created each year and placed into savings
in order to ensure we have the resources to handle any unforeseen
shortfalls, disasters, or events. These funds should be used
only in the event of an emergency.
banks from implementing stealth fees. Programs like
"courtesy overdraft protection" allow overdrafts
and add large fees without notifying the customer that a
transaction would exceed their account balance. The customer
may not know until days later that their account has been overdrawn
and by then the fees have compounded.
Systems like these that
quietly add large fees to a customer's account without their
knowledge must be eliminated or be implemented only at the customer's
request. Transactions in excess of a customer's balance must
be declined by default. Exceeding one's balance is already against the law and the technology to prevent it has existed for decades. Banks must be prohibited from enabling illegal transactions and generating profits from them.
hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a time
of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."