Post-election recap
November 5, 2008
Estimated 29% preferred their votes not be counted or chose accused gunman over Denise Harper Angel. Dissent voiced by nearly 13,000.
Early this fall, the Kentucky Democratic Party assisted Democratic incumbent Denise Harper Angel in suing independent candidate Scott Ritcher, the Kentucky Secretary of State, and the Kentucky and Jefferson County Boards of Elections to have Ritcher disqualified from the race for District 35 State Senator.
Democrats comprise 73% of the district's electorate, virtually assuring the well-funded incumbent of re-election. As a result, many voters saw the lawsuit as unnecessary and a waste of the party's resources. Ritcher's supporters appealed to the media, called Angel's office, and hundreds signed a petition asking her to drop the suit.
The lawsuit sought to overturn the state's certification of Ritcher's candidacy, alleging that errors made in the ballot petition he filed with the state made his nomination papers invalid. After a six-week legal battle, a Jefferson County judge ruled in Angel's favor and declared Ritcher's votes would not be counted. The state subsequently refused to accept Ritcher's filing as a write-in candidate because his name was already printed on the ballot.
The Republican candidate in the race, John Albers, was arrested in August on charges of wanton endangerment after allegedly firing shots at a neighbor. Albers remained in the race despite the GOP's call for his withdrawal. He changed his party affiliation in October, thus voiding his own candidacy. This left Angel as the only person eligible to win the election.
Election Results
As a result of the court order that Ritcher's votes not be counted, the Jefferson County Clerk reported the number of votes for Ritcher as zero on election night and removed any such votes from the number of total votes cast in the race. Because of this, the actual number of votes for Ritcher and the actual voter turnout for the district is unknown. Albers' votes were tabulated normally.
Had Ritcher's votes not been removed from the "total votes" tally, simple subtraction of the other candidates' votes from the total would provide the number of Ritcher votes. Instead, results from each of the district's seventy-eight precincts must be examined in order to determine the actual number of votes cast in the district and subsequently the number of votes cast for Ritcher. This will take some time and can only be done after the official, detailed, final counts are released. Without that raw data, however, calculation of a rough estimate is still possible.
The Math Behind These Numbers
Jefferson County's voter turnout rate was 70.2%. District 35's two most demographically similar neighboring districts posted comparable turnout rates, as did State House districts that overlap the same neighborhoods. Interestingly, the turnout reported in the District 35 Senate race was just 60%, the lower percentage presumably attributable to Ritcher's votes being subtracted from the total turnout.
In District 37 to the south and west, a 65% turnout was reported, and a 72.6% rate was shown in District 19, to the north and east. The average turnout between Districts 19 and 37 is 68.8%, comparable to Jefferson's county-wide average of 70.2%. From those numbers, a few estimates can be made concerning what actually happened in District 35.
If the Jefferson County turnout rate held its same average across District 35, it would mean 44,762 people voted in the race, not the 38,232 the county reported. The balance of 6,530 excluded votes would be Ritcher's. While the number of write-in votes was negligible, it is likely that many of them went his way as well.
Ritcher, then, after being excluded from the race, and despite signs being posted in polling locations that votes for him would not be counted, finished second with 14.5% of the vote, behind Angel's 71.4%.
Despite Denise Harper Angel being the only candidate eligible to win the election, a substantial number of District 35 voters - nearly 13,000 or about 29% - preferred either that their votes not be counted or that an accused gunman was the better choice. More than twice as many voters opposed Angel's re-election than the county or media reported on election night.
Reported |
Estimated actual |
Denise Harper Angel (D) |
31,991 |
83.7% |
31,991 |
71.4% |
Scott Ritcher (I) |
0 |
0% |
6,530 |
14.5% |
John Albers (R) |
6,241 |
16.3% |
6,241 |
14.0% |
Write-in |
85 |
0.2% |
85 |
0.2% |
Total turnout (% of reg voters) |
38,232 |
60% |
44,762 |
70.2% |
Votes against Angel |
6,326 |
16.5% |
12,856 |
28.7% |
Note: As of 10:30 pm Wednesday, November 5th, the Jefferson County Clerk and Kentucky Secretary of State have not posted official results. The state and county numbers differ by a few dozen votes. Please check back for more details after the official results have been released.

The legal fight is over
October 24, 2008
Two weeks ago, a judge decided my name should be removed from the ballot. Since it was too late to reprint the ballots, the ruling instead dictated that my votes won't be counted. Last week, the state refused to accept my filing as a write-in candidate because (and get this...) my name is on the ballot.
Had I just decided to run yesterday and never attempted to campaign legitimately, they would accept my filing without question. In fact, more than 60,000 other voters in District 35 could file as write-in candidates today, but not me.
In response, we filed a motion to have the state to accept my write-in filing because my name does not appear on the ballot as a candidate for whom votes are counted. If the court ruling had come earlier or if the ballots had been printed later, it would not be an issue. It is essentially the same as a printing error.
Yesterday we got the news that the court could not do anything. We would have to sue the Secretary of State in Franklin County Circuit Court. With the filing deadline for write-in candidates being today, and with the campaign in debt, we're simply out of time and resources to continue seeking ballot access.
Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. -Henry Kissinger
Rather than campaigning, spending the tens of thousands she raised, or talking about how to solve the problems facing Kentuckians, Denise Harper Angel used the courts to secure the election.
Even though she won, it didn't come without a cost. The news media, political bloggers, ordinary voters, and Democratic leaders reported her actions and voiced their opinions. Much of it was not pretty for Ms. Angel. They used words like "mean-spirited," "visceral and angry," "stifling democracy," "a laughable embarrassment," and "voters lose," saying she came off like a "self-protective politician" and a "hypocrite."
This lawsuit is perhaps what Denise Harper Angel will be most known for.
It is not enough to allow dissent. We must demand it. -Robert Kennedy
When you vote in District 35, you'll see three names on the ballot for state senator: Denise Harper Angel, a special-interest-funded incumbent who sued to have an independent candidate disqualified, then slurred his grassroots organizing as "a mockery"; John Albers, a Republican whose party urged him to withdraw after he was arrested for allegedly shooting at a neighbor; and Scott Ritcher, an independent for whom votes won't count, even if you write-in his name.

Don't write me in.
Mark my name normally.
Some choice, right?
Truth is, in a 73% Democratic district, no one except the Democrat has a chance. It's just the way Denise Harper Angel wanted it, and really, just the way it was before she stirred up everyone's indignation.
Ms. Angel has wasted our time, money, and resources. She has publicly disparaged me and discounted our efforts to be involved in the community. She has squashed the opportunity for public discussion of important issues and differences. Democrat or not, there is no way she is getting our votes.
Our only choice is to vote in protest.
We would rather have our votes not count than cast for someone who does not respect democratic efforts to seek reform.
Tell all your friends and family: Do not write it in. Vote for Scott Ritcher by marking the space printed on the ballot.
Rest assured, this protest vote does not affect the rest of your ballot. Every other vote you cast in every other race will be counted.
Scott Ritcher

Finally, people who want a choice on the ballot have been put in their place
October 14, 2008
In today's Courier-Journal, Denise Harper Angel, after winning her lawsuit and removing my name from the ballot, says she did it because "Ritcher needed 'to be put in his place' and was 'making a mockery' of the state election process."
Really? Candidates and voters who petition their government for ballot access and advocate for serious reforms are somehow a farce, in need of reprimand?
With offensive, let-them-eat-cake positions like these, no wonder she rarely answers questions from the media.
Almost immediately, Bruce Maples, president of the Metro Democratic Club in Louisville asked, "Is Denise Mean-Spirited, or Just Misquoted?"
At BruceMaples.com he asks Angel: "If this is how you react when you win an argument, how much worse do you act when you lose? If the quote is accurate, you come off as an angry, self-protective politician."
"Harper Angel Wins, Ritcher and Voters Lose" proclaims The Ville Voice. Adding, "I'm taking exception to Harper Angel’s tactics. Rather than simply run a clean campaign against an opponent over which she has a 10-1 fund-raising advantage, she chose to sue on a technicality to get his name off the ballot. Maybe she was worried because she knew Ritcher’s ideas made so much sense, and voters would figure that out."
Page One Kentucky blasts: "Denise Harper Angel and the Kentucky Democratic Party are stifling Democracy. Harper Angel ... couldn't deal with the fact that anyone may pull a few hundred votes away from her." They call the situation "total (B.S.)"
The verdict in the court of public opinion is swinging our way.
Is the irony lost on anyone that Republican John Albers is still allowed to run for this office after being arrested and charged with wanton endangerment, assault, and menacing? Yet I'm the one being sued off the ballot and being called a mockery?
Perhaps Ms. Angel should amend her "Experience counts" yard signs to add "...but your vote doesn't."
Scott Ritcher

Some people just don't know when to quit
October 10, 2008
As we await a verdict from the court in Denise Harper Angel's lawsuit against me and the Board of Elections, the latest campaign finance numbers have just been released.
Despite the requests from hundreds of Kentucky voters and my campaign for Angel to return thousands of dollars in corporate PAC and special interest money, she has done just the opposite. Since May, Angel has taken in thousands more from these corruptive private interests.
And strangely, while Angel has raised nearly $46,000, she has spent only 11% of it. Is she counting on the court to decide the election?
Whether it's the banking industry, health care, pharmaceuticals, or energy, these groups do everything they can to keep all of us paying huge bills for services that pale in comparison to those provided for far less money in other countries. This has created a great wall of private influence that stands between voters and their government.
These corporations have our system on lock-down and Denise Harper Angel accepts their money.
In the past, her campaigns have been supported by corporate and private interest PACs run by Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals and the Humana and Anthem insurance companies. Now, with Kentuckians struggling more than ever with the outrageous costs of health care and prescriptions, she's upped the ante, collecting huge contributions from more of the culprits, including Merck, Pfizer, Amgen, and Wyeth.
We've heard a lot lately about banks raking in record profits from huge fees and irresponsible loans, then needing unprecedented bailouts. Adding to past contributions from Citigroup, BB&T, and Fifth Third Bank, the Kentucky Bankers Committee is investing in Angel again.
WIth the prices of energy and utilities at all time highs, E-On US (owner of LG&E) and Columbia Gas have been in her column, too. Perhaps it's no coincidence that last year in the Senate, Angel sponsored a resolution to "honor E.On US." (Read all about it on E.On's website) Is this the best use of our legislature's time and our money? The resolution even commends coal for being an "environmentally responsible fuel." Come on. Only money could get somebody to say that.
The point is that this money makes a difference. It makes a difference in where a legislator's allegiances lie and in what gets done on our behalf. There is simply no constructive purpose for these sums of money to be exchanged between special interests and elected officials.
Kentuckians would enjoy the best schools and health care in the world if ordinary voters could afford to make giant campaign contributions and hire the same expensive lobbyists that these corporations do. We cannot afford this kind of access and so the results we see are stacked against us.
We usually think of Democrats as being the party of the struggling workers and Republicans as the ones who are swimming in corporate money. Sadly, there's not much difference here.
With Democrats like Denise Harper Angel, who needs Republicans?
-Scott Ritcher

New Questionnaires Posted
October 8, 2008
The Q&A Page of our website has some new interviews posted including Scott's responses to candidate questionnaires from Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and Greater Louisville, Inc.
Also, Scott is on the cover of the new issue of Latitude Magazine. Pick up a copy at local shops like Cherry Bomb and Why Louisville, or read the interview online at www.lattitudezine.com.

Bizarre Twists Continue
September 30, 2008
Denise Harper Angel was campaigning to voters last night in a neighborhood she is asking the court to declare is outside her district's boundaries.
At a meeting of the Schnitzelburg Area Community Council, the incumbent Democratic State Senator addressed an audience at St. Elizabeth's School and asked for their votes in the November election. However, according to claims made in her lawsuit against me and the Board of Elections, nearly everyone in Schnitzelburg is ineligible to vote for her.
Schnitzelburg is a small neighborhood that borders Germantown. It is triangular in shape and bound by Goss Avenue, Shelby Street, and Clarks Lane.In court documents, Ms. Angel claims 18 of the 105 voters who signed my nominating petition live outside the district. She argues their signatures should be disqualified and my candidacy revoked.
Amazingly, nearly all the disputed signatories named in the lawsuit are Schnitzelburg voters who live within walking distance or line-of-sight from St. Elizabeth's School.
That's why I was so confused when I heard she would appear at the Schnitzelburg meeting. She was appealing to voters in the same neighborhood as the voters she wants removed from my petition. I simply could not miss this happening!
What happened Monday night:
Ms. Angel greeted the crowd, telling them "half of Schnitzelburg" lies in District 35, including the school where the event was being held .I could not believe what I was hearing! Did she just say we were in District 35? And "half of Schnitzel burg" is, too?
St. Elizabeth's School is located at 1016 East Burnett Avenue, in voting precinct H141, which is part of State Senate District 19.
After her comments, I stood up and asked her to clarify where the boundaries are. She insisted that St. Elizabeth's School and a large part of the neighborhood are in District 35. This is not only incorrect, but if it were true, it would contradict the primary argument of her lawsuit, that the voters from that neighborhood who signed my nomination petition live outside the district.
She appeared bothered by being questioned and told me the boundary was "for the judge to decide." She walked back to her seat and sat down while I was still asking the question! That was it. She didn't take any more audience questions.
That left me standing there, so I turned to the audience and explained the case. I told them that if it's important enough for her to sue somebody and to use our taxpayer dollars in court, she should know where the lines are.
What I should have said was, "Where are you going? Shouldn't you want to explain the situation to these voters instead of leaving the floor to completely open for your opponent?" But honestly, I couldn't believe she would want this audience to think she was stating erroneous information and then just walking away without explaining. It was quite bizarre.
I think it's now clear that Denise Harper Angel may not know or care where the district boundaries are. It even seems she's not even familiar with the particulars of the lawsuit filed in her name. Otherwise, why would she schedule an event in the exact same neighborhood she disputes in court, then show up and say something that discredits her case?
A great deal of her campaign funds have come from outside the district, and now we've now seen her spreading misinformation on her website and in her public comments. Maybe it's time she drops this distracting charade and start talking about the issues.
Only 34 days to go, so if you don't have a Scott Ritcher yard sign yet, just reply to this message or click here and we'll deliver one to your lawn.
Thanks again for your help and support,
Scott Ritcher

Lawsuit is helping fuel Ritcher's campaign
September 18, 2008 - PRESS RELEASE
Independent Kentucky Senate candidate Scott Ritcher says incumbent Democrat Denise Harper Angel's lawsuit against him and the Board of Elections is helping him get his message out to more people. Angel is asking a Jefferson County Circuit Court judge to void any votes cast for Ritcher in this November's election for the District 35 Kentucky State Senate seat she currently holds.
"Since the lawsuit was first in the Courier-Journal, the numbers of volunteers, contributions, and visits to our website have gone way up," Ritcher says. "Dozens of people have volunteered and requested yard signs, and hundreds of voters have signed our online petition asking Ms. Angel to drop her lawsuit."
The results of that petition will be delivered to Angel's attorneys next week in advance of the September 29 hearing in the case. Ritcher says the overwhelming majority of voters who have signed his petition are Kentucky Democrats."Obviously, I think she's wasting the court's time and the taxpayers' money," Ritcher says. "We would all much rather be hearing about her positions and goals."
Angel's lawsuit claims some voters who signed Ritcher's nomination papers live outside the boundaries of District 35.
The state certified Ritcher's candidacy in August and will not revoke it or remove his name from the ballot based on the errors in the filing. Ballot access can only be overturned through a lawsuit if Ms. Angel can convince the court to disqualify enough signatures.
Democratic and Republican candidates are not required to collect signatures to appear on general election ballots, however, they are free to challenge the petitions submitted by independent and third-party candidates. 83% of the petitioners Angel seeks to disqualify are Democrats.
District 35 cuts through Louisville, splitting neighborhoods and streets. Nearly all the disputed signatories are within feet of the line, and most live on streets not named or shown on the highest-resolution district map the state publishes.
Adding to the confusion and controversy, Angel's own website erroneously describes areas of the county as being part of the district which are not. Ritcher said in a recent email to supporters, "Some of our petitioners may have missed by a few feet, yet Ms. Angel's website says the district includes voters who are miles outside the lines."

LEO sheds light on Angel's lawsuit
September 10, 2008
Too busy to show up in court on Monday and too busy to respond to our requests to return thousands in special interest money. Now, Senator Denise Harper Angel is too busy to answer questions from the media.
Today's issue of LEO Weekly has a full-page article about our fight to remain on the November ballot, and Page One Kentucky is calling Angel's litigation "a laughable embarrassment."
LEO editor Stephen George presents what I consider to be a balanced account of Democrat Denise Harper Angel's lawsuit to disqualify our votes from being counted. But one key figure in the story is yet again suspiciously absent from her own effort.
Why is our Senator so routinely unavailable? Where is she? Will she even turn up to campaign before the election?
If you haven't yet, please contact Denise Harper Angel and ask her to end this lawsuit. Every concerned voter should call, but make sure to tell her if you're a Democrat and vote in Kentucky or District 35.
Contact Denise Harper Angel
Phone: 502-452-9130
Annex: 502-564-8100 ext 633
Email: denise.harperangel@lrc.ky.gov
Then sign on with other hundreds of other Kentucky voters at www.ScottRitcher.org who want her to preserve our place on the ballot and save our tax dollars in court.
"Why does District 35 look like Gorbachev's birthmark?"
Today's LEO confirms many of our arguments as legitimate and provides some context to the confusion and absurd shape of our district.
LEO reports, "Kentucky's public officeholders have rigged district boundaries to benefit their own parties... the 35th (District) is probably the most awkwardly shaped. It includes a number of sharp lines and zigzags to include major points... some 70 percent of registered voters there are Democrats."
Ms. Angel's own website perpetuates confusion about the boundaries by saying Fern Creek and the South End are part of the district. They're not even close. Some of our petitioners missed by a few feet. Her website says the district includes people who are miles away. She doesn't even know where the lines are!
It seems the district boundaries are only important when they are to her benefit, but not when it comes to providing voters with accurate information and, as LEO observes, "much of Angel's financing comes from outside her district."
On Monday, three times more signatures than what she disputes in the case were delivered to her attorneys, but it seems to have not made the will of the voters any clearer to Ms. Angel.
Page One Kentucky is weighing in on the case again, too. "Denise Harper Angel, (Kentucky Democratic Party Chairwoman) Jennifer Moore and the rest of Kentucky Democrats should be ashamed." They call it "a laughable embarrassment."
About the case
Honest errors were made on the papers Kentucky voters signed to place my name on the District 35 State Senate ballot. The lawsuit claims some out-of-district voters signed the forms. The district cuts through Louisville, splitting neighborhoods and streets. Nearly all the disputed signatures are from voters whose same-street neighbors are in the district.
The state has certified my candidacy and will not revoke it nor remove me from the ballot based on these errors.
This status can only be changed through a lawsuit if Ms. Angel can convince the court to disqualify enough signatures. 83% of the petitioners she seeks to disqualify are her fellow Democrats.
We need your help!
Call Ms. Angel's office at 502-452-9130 and sign the petition asking her to end this lawsuit. Then get a yard sign, wear a t-shirt, make a contribution, and spread the word by forwarding this to friends, reposting it on social networks, and writing about it on your blog.
Thank you so much for your continued support,
Scott Ritcher

Web commentary abounds on Angel's lawsuit
September 5, 2008
The local political blogosphere has been lighting up today with the news that Denise Harper Angel is suing me and the state board of elections to have my name removed from the ballot.
Page One Kentucky writes: "Oh snap! Denise Harper Angel gets told! Her opponent, Scott Ritcher, has written an open letter to her requesting that she drop her retarded-ass lawsuit against him for trying to run for office. And he chaps her rear over the crazy corporate and special interest contributions she’s raked in."
The Courier-Journal reports "Angel said in an interview that she isn't concerned that she might lose to Ritcher." I don't know about you, but I've never sued somebody over something I wasn't concerned about. She must have more extra time and money than we thought.
Mark Hebert of WHAS-11 and KET's Comment On Kentucky posted my open letter. Hebert says my response to her "trying to disqualify" me from the race is "entertaining."
Pol Watchers puts it plainly:
"Democratic Sen. Denise Harper Angel of Louisville, whose Republican opponent was arrested last month, is fighting to disqualify a potential independent opponent who is seeking to be on the ballot." That would narrow the voters' choices down to only her.

Republican John Albers arrested
August 15, 2008
As you know, there are three candidates in the District 35 race for State Senator – myself, incumbent Denise Harper Angel, and Republican John Albers. On Wednesday, Mr. Albers was arrested at his home on charges of wanton endangerment, assault and menacing (see C-J articles from 8/14 and 8/15).
I have been asked to comment on this by members of the local media. However, I don't know Mr. Albers personally and the details of the incident seem to be disputed by the involved parties. I feel it is inappropriate for me to comment on these events.
I'd like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I hope that it can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
I can say that as far as the state senate race goes, I think it's an unfortunate distraction. I'm not sure of the degree to which Mr. Albers was a real factor in the race or if this incident will cause him to drop out. Given that our district is overwhelmingly registered Democratic, it's easy to see why Republicans haven't fared so well in previous elections here. I feel the contest is even more focused now between myself and Ms. Angel.
The voters in our neighborhoods are being given a choice between someone who calls herself a Democrat but runs campaigns funded by pharmaceutical, energy, banking and insurance corporations, whose interests are not the same as the voters, versus myself, someone who wants to actually make a difference for real people and whose campaign is supported only by the hard work of individual volunteers.
I believe a surprising number of voters will agree with what I'm saying, that just because you may feel that Democrats are usually preferable to Republicans, that doesn't mean they're doing everything they can. Like Ms. Angel, many Democrats are taking the same money from the same corporate special interest groups that support Republican campaigns. Money buys access and influence, and honestly, ordinary people like us simply cannot compete for our legislators' attention on that scale.
These groups do everything they can to keep all of us paying huge bills for services that pale in comparison to those provided for far less money in other countries. Be it banking, health care, renewable energy, you name it. These corporations have our system on lock-down and Denise Harper Angel accepts their money. That's why my campaign is funded only by individual contributions. I have a direct message that people are responding to. The Democrats aren't necessarily the bad guys, but in a lot of cases, they're just not good enough.
Scott Ritcher

Yard sign tips
August 5, 2008
Louisville has a few regulations that govern the placement of political yard signs, but there are fewer rules than most people think. Be careful of how yard signs are positioned on your lawn, but also be knowledgeable of the recent changes in the law.
On April 17, 2008, the Metro Council and the Mayor signed into law a repeal of 155.03, part of the political sign ordinance. The repeal removed the size restrictions and the time limits for political signs on private property.
The old ordinance - which many people may think is still in effect - required that political signs be displayed no earlier than 30 days before the election. This is no longer the case and citizens are now free to place political signs on their private property with no time limits.
Signs still have to be on private property and not in the public right of way. Make sure your sign is in the main area of your lawn and not in the area between the sidewalk and the street, and be sure signs are not in public areas such as traffic islands.
Many supporters have registered online for yard signs which have not yet been delivered. We'll be getting these out to you this week.
Speaking of signs, we're trying to raise money to do some billboards around the district.
If you can help us do this - even a small donation will help - please stop by the Contribute page today. Thanks!

Free t-shirts at our next volunteer
meet-up this Saturday!
August 2, 2008
Here's your chance to help the campaign, grab a free t-shirt, and have some fun! We have just a few more signatures to collect from voters in the district in order to gain ballot access. We'd like to invite you to be a part of this important democratic process on Saturday afternoon.
We'll be going door-to-door in the Original Highlands collecting signatures and delivering yard signs to supporters who have requested them from the campaign website.
Free Scott Ritcher for Kentucky Senate t-shirts will be provided for all volunteers to wear Saturday and to keep! Bring your friends. All are welcome!
When: This Saturday, August 2nd at 1:00 pm
Where: Monkey Wrench Restaurant, 1025 Barret Ave at Winter Ave, in the Highlands; Click for map

Published in this week's LEO
July 30, 2008
This week's LEO has a commentary from Scott Ritcher published in its letters section. The letter is in response to Gov. Beshear's plan to create a new state license plate bearing the words "In God We Trust."
Read Scott's comments on the LEO Weekly website (third letter from the top, under the title "Dirty Deeds") or here on the Articles page under the Multimedia tab above.

New commentary posted about Beshear's license plate plan
July 16, 2008
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear announced a proposal for the state to create new license plates bearing the slogan "In God We Trust."Not only does Scott Ritcher think this action could be deemed illegal, based on the laws governing which types of plates the Transportation Cabinet can produce, but he also sees it as part of a pattern of behavior in Frankfort."Here we are, again, talking about something that serves only to sway elections and is of no consequence to the real lives of people in Kentucky," he writes.
"What will Jesus be most impressed with," he asks, "our colorful license plates or the one in six Kentuckians living in poverty?"
Read Scott's commentary on the Articles page under the Multimedia tab above.

State senate candidate publishes scathing criticism of Insight Communications and CEO Michael Willner
June 30, 2008
Download full press release as a PDF
EXCERPT: Local writer and publisher Scott Ritcher released a scathing critique yesterday of Insight Communications and its CEO Michael Willner. This comes as Ritcher and a team of volunteers are collecting signatures to place his name on the November 4th ballot as an independent candidate for District 35 State Senator.
On his current events website, Ritcher, 38, chastises the cable and Internet provider for promoting itself with a “friendly neighbor” image while being owned by a $19 billion conglomerate and censoring or manipulating what is made available to users of its services.
The article is not Ritcher’s first lambaste of Insight. In September 2006, he published a piece titled “We Want the Airwaves Back” which called out Insight’s deceptive marketing techniques, non-competitive franchise agreement with Louisville Metro Government, and ownership by private equity firm the Carlyle Group, controversial due to its intermingling of investments from both the Bush and Bin Laden families.
Ritcher’s new commentary revisits those same topics and slams Willner and other Insight executives for their sizable and seemingly influential contributions to political campaigns, including those of former Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher and US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Download full press release as a PDF

us Saturday at the Germantown Festival!
June 28, 2008
The campaign will have a table set up at the Germantown
Shotgun Festival.
This street fair celebrates the neighborhood's unique
character, history and architecture, namely its shotgun houses. Stop by and see us between checking out the bands, pizza, local
artists, etc.
We will have shirts on hand as well as free stickers and yard
signs.The festival
runs from noon to 9:00 pm, at the corner of Goss Avenue and Krieger
Street (map), adjacent to Jockamo's Pizza.

June 26, 2008
We are going to begin meeting up regularly. Our first gathering is this Thursday, June 26 in the Highlands at 7:30 pm.
If you have signed up for email updates, you'll get the info in your email. If not, send us an email from the contact page for location and details.Everyone is welcome and food and rinks will be provided for volunteers. See you Thursday!

Yard signs are in!
June 6, 2008
Yard signs are now on hand and have begun popping up around the district. If you'd like one delivered to your home and placed in your yard, just fill out this form. Plenty of bumper stickers are now available, too.
If your restaurant, bar, or shop would like to dedicate a corner or some countertop space as a pickup spot for free yard signs and stickers, please let us know by filling out this form!
Update (June 16): Pick up your free yard sign and/or bumper sticker from the Monkey Wrench restaurant at the corner of Barret and Winter Avenues.

Facebook page |

Facebook ad |
Facebook page and ad campaign launched
May 8, 2008
The campaign launched a page for supporters today on the popular social networking site Facebook.com.
Additionally, an ad campaign is running on Facebook that appears locally when members from Louisville are viewing the site, specifically targeting users who are politically active.The ad highlights Scott's appeal to voters from all political parties and independents. It displays his message of "United for Kentucky" and, when clicked, directs users to the campaign's page.
The Facebook page allows a way for members to learn about Scott Ritcher's campaign and meet other supporters. The page contains a discussion board, event schedule, and links for finding your polling place or registering to vote.
Scott Ritcher for Kentucky Senate page on Facebook can be accessed by searching "Scott Ritcher" or directly through the following URL:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scott-Ritcher-for-Kentucky-State-Senate/13286502179If you are a Facebook member, add yourself to the the page and spread the word!

Another endorsement... sort of
April 23, 2008
The Scott Ritcher campaign received what could appear to be another endorsement, or maybe just a coincidence!
At the Vietnam Kitchen Restaurant on South Third Street today, Scott's fortune cookie contained some encouraging words for the future. The message revealed, "You will make change for the better." Sounds like a ringing recommendation!

of Candidacy filed in Frankfort
March 8, 2008
Scott Ritcher
filed his statement of candidacy today with the Kentucky
Board of Elections and the Secretary of State's Office.

contest announced
December 26, 2007
If you're audio or video savvy, we'd love to feature your homemade
Scott Ritcher commercials on the site!Your short videos can be serious productions or hilarious parodies
of attack ads - for or against Scott! Get creative.
When you've got something you want to share, let us know. Upload
it to a video sharing site (like YouTube, Blip, LiveDigital,
or Veoh) or your
own server and send us the link.
The best ones
will be posted on the Audio/Video page of the campaign website.
Who knows, if somebody turns in something amazing, it just might
show up on TV or the radio.
Keep in mind, most television and radio ads are 30 or 60 seconds
long.Visit the Audio/Video page to see
some classic political commercials for inspiration.

campaign receives early celebrity endorsement
December 6, 2007

Gideon Yago |
In his weblog,
MTV News contributor Gideon Yago offered a unique and enthusiastic
endorsement for Scott Ritcher's bid for the District 35
Kentucky State Senate seat.
Yago, who reported on
Scott's news and current events website during the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq, wrote at the time,
"Sites like Ritcher's are at the crux of the Internet mobilization
against war because, despite their lack of credentials, DIY communication
is increasingly considered a reliable source by young Americans."
On his recent
blog post, Yago told readers about the campaign. "In
addition to being an incredible dude who is on top of everything
political, Scott has decided to try to make a difference by getting
in the game himself. He needs your support!"
He went on
to encourage his readers to support the campaign, writing, "...in
this political season, the only candidate I am officially endorsing
is Scott Ritcher for Kentucky State Senate! Please
check out his website www.ballotrevolution.org and donate or
get involved!"
Related links:
Yago's blog, MySpace, Dec. 6, 2007
Movement Rallies Round The Web, MTV News, March 5, 2003

For more information
click on the Goals & Issues tab
above. Please consider contributing to the campaign or helping
out in any way you can.